Spathaspora suhii UFMG-HMD-16.2. Photo credit: Katharina Barros,
David Krause, Chris Hittinger.
Spathaspora suhii is a budding yeast species first isolated from rotting wood samples in a region of the Amazon rainforest, Brazil. As other individuals of the clade, this species is able to ferment xylose. Analysis of its genome and related Spathaspora species capable of xylose fermentation may contribute to important genomic information that could be used to improve the efficiency of pentose assimilation by yeasts.
Cadete, R et al. 2013. Spathaspora brasiliensis sp. nov., Spathaspora suhii sp. nov., Spathaspora roraimanensis sp. nov. and Spathasporaxylofermentans sp. nov., four novel D-xylose-fermenting yeast species from Brazilian Amazonian forest. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, 103(2), 421-431.