Photo credit: Khalid Hameed
PMI 808
The Phaeosphaeriaceae are an important family of cosmopolitan
fungi within the Pleosporales and include over 300 species
(Phookamsak et al. 2014). Many of these taxa are only known from
their asexual life stage some of which are economically important
plant pathogens. Other species grow in soils or can function as
root and foliar endophytes, saprotrophs or nectrotrophs on a wide
diversity of plants (Nishizawa et al. 2010, Sánchez
Márquez et al. 2010, Glynou et al. 2015, Chagnon et al.
2016). The isolate sequenced here was isolated from heathy
surface-sterilized roots of Populus trichocarpa. This
species is being studied by the DOE Plant-Microbial Interfaces
project aimed at understanding the Populus microbiome and
molecular interactions between Populus and its
P-L, U’Ren JM, Miadlikowska J, Lutzoni F, Elizabeth Arnold A.
2016. Interaction type influences ecological network structure more
than local abiotic conditions: evidence from endophytic and
endolichenic fungi at a continental scale. Oecologia.
K, Ali T, Buch A-K, Kia SH, Ploch S, Xia X, Çelik A, Thines
M, Maciá-Vicente JG. 2015. The local environment determines
the assembly of root endophytic fungi at a continental scale.
Environmental Microbiology. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.13112.
T, Zhaorigetu, Komatsuzaki M, Sato Y, Kaneko N, Ohta H. 2010.
Molecular characterization of fungal communities in non-tilled,
cover-cropped upland rice field soils. Microbes in the
Environment. 25:204–210.
R, Liu J-K, McKenzie EHC, Manamgoda DS, Ariyawansa H, Thambugala
KM, Dai D-Q, Camporesi E, Chukeatirote E, Wijayawardene NN, Bahkali
AH, Mortimer PE, Xu J-C, Hyde KD. 2014. Revision of
Phaeosphaeriaceae. Fungal Diversity.
Márquez S, Bills GF, Domínguez Acuña L,
Zabalgogeazcoa I. 2010. Endophytic mycobiota of leaves and roots of
the grass Holcus lanatus. Fungal Diversity.