The genome sequence and gene prediction of Aspergillus niger CBS 513.88 were not determined by the JGI, but were downloaded from NCBI). Please note that this copy of the genome is not maintained by the author and is therefore not automatically updated.
DSM, The Netherlands and their collaborators sequenced the genome of Aspergillus niger strain CBS 513.88 at approximately 7.5X coverage using a BAC walking strategy. They produced an assembly consisting of 468 contigs arranged in 19 scaffolds. The genome underwent a combination of automatic and manual annotation. Used in industry to produce citric acid, pharmaceuticals, enzymes, and food products. The species shows great phenotypic diversity and is found globally, both as marine and terrestrial strains, producing both organic acids and hydrolytic enzymes in high amounts, and some isolates exhibit pathogenicity.The Aspergillus niger genome is approximately 34 Mb, organized in eight chromosomes.
Genome Reference(s)
Pel HJ, de Winde JH, Archer DB, Dyer PS, Hofmann G, Schaap PJ, Turner G, de Vries RP, Albang R, Albermann K, Andersen MR, Bendtsen JD, Benen JA, van den Berg M, Breestraat S, Caddick MX, Contreras R, Cornell M, Coutinho PM, Danchin EG, Debets AJ, Dekker P, van Dijck PW, van Dijk A, Dijkhuizen L, Driessen AJ, d'Enfert C, Geysens S, Goosen C, Groot GS, de Groot PW, Guillemette T, Henrissat B, Herweijer M, van den Hombergh JP, van den Hondel CA, van der Heijden RT, van der Kaaij RM, Klis FM, Kools HJ, Kubicek CP, van Kuyk PA, Lauber J, Lu X, van der Maarel MJ, Meulenberg R, Menke H, Mortimer MA, Nielsen J, Oliver SG, Olsthoorn M, Pal K, van Peij NN, Ram AF, Rinas U, Roubos JA, Sagt CM, Schmoll M, Sun J, Ussery D, Varga J, Vervecken W, van de Vondervoort PJ, Wedler H, Wösten HA, Zeng AP, van Ooyen AJ, Visser J, Stam H
Genome sequencing and analysis of the versatile cell factory Aspergillus niger CBS 513.88.
Nat Biotechnol. 2007 Feb;25(2):221-31. doi: 10.1038/nbt1282
Additional reference:
Arnaud MB, Cerqueira GC, Inglis DO, Skrzypek MS, Binkley J, Chibucos MC, Crabtree J, Howarth C, Orvis J, Shah P, Wymore F, Binkley G, Miyasato SR, Simison M, Sherlock G, Wortman JR. The Aspergillus Genome Database (AspGD): recent developments in comprehensive multispecies curation, comparative genomics and community resources. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Jan;40(Database issue):D653-9.