The genome of Coprinopsis sclerotiger was sequenced
through JGI’s Community Sequencing Project as part of an
effort to develop a tractable, but ecologically realistic, system
integrating fungal genomics and carbon cycling. This specimen of
Coprinopsis sclerotiger is a coprophilous (“dung
loving”) fungus isolated from the dung of Tule Elk
(Cervus canadensis nannodes) collected at Point Reyes
National Seashore in Marin County, CA. The species epithet,
“sclerotiger”, is derived from its capacity to form
sclerotia, darkly pigmented, long-lived vegetative propagules, from
which this specimen was cultured and are shown the picture of its
culture. As a saprotroph, Coprinopsis sclerotiger obtains
its nutrition by decomposing plant tissues that remain in dung
after passage through the herbivore gut.
Coprophilous fungi have long been studied by mycologists due to
their ease of cultivation and the strong community patterns
exhibited in fungal fruiting during coprophilous
decomposition. Along with the genomes of other coprophilous
fungi sequenced through this project, the genome of Coprinopsis
sclerotiger will give insight into the key functional genes
dictating patterns of fungal community assembly and decomposition
of organic material. In addition, comparison of the
Coprinopsis sclerotiger genome with other sequenced
relatives in the Psathyrellaceae, such as Coprinellus
micaceus and Coprinopsis cinerea, will provide great
insight into the evolution of fungal decomposition genes and the
coprophilous lifestyle.